Edgar Wallace
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace er født i London.
Boede ved sin død i Beverly Hills, USA. Wallace var meget produktiv, har skrevet mere end 170 romaner. Var korrespondent for avisen Daily Mail under Boer krigen. Vendte derefter tilbage til England og påbegyndte sin forfatterkarriere. Gift to gange, far til fem. Har før sin skriverkarriere arbejdet på fabrik og været sømand.
Startede som korrespondent i Afrika og kom til senere til London som journalist. Sad 1910-1912 i bestyrelsen for British Lion Film Corporation. Døde af lungebetændelse. ‘Anthony Brownes King Kong’ er skrevet sammen med Anthony Browne og Merian C. Cooper.
Døde 1932
1898 The Mission That Failed! A Tale of the Raid, and Other Poems (digte) *
1900 Nicholson’s Nek (digte) *
1900 War!, and Other Poems (digte) *
1900 Writ in Barracks (digte) *
1904 An African Millionaire (skuespil) *
1905 Smithy (noveller) *
1906 De fire retfærdige mænd
1908 Englen fra Scotland Yard
1908 The Council of Justice*
1909 Captain Tatham of Tatham Island*
1909 Smith Abroad: Barrack Room Sketches (noveller) *
1909 The Duke in the Suburbs*
1910 The Forest of Happy Dreams (skuespil) *
1910 The nine bears*
1911 Dolly Cutting Herself (skuespil) *
1911 Sanders fra floden
1911 Sanders of the River (samlet udg.) *
1912 Hullo, Ragtime (skuespil) *
1912 Hullo, Tango! (skuespil) *
1912 Private Selby*
1912 The People of the River (samlet udg.) *
1913 Grey Timothy*
1913 Hello, Exchange! (skuespil) *
1913 The Fourth Plague*
1913 The River of Stars*
1914 Bosambo
1914 Bosambo of the River*
1914 Business as Usual (skuespil) *
1914 Smith’s Friend Nobby (noveller) *
1914 The Admirable Carfew (samlet udg.) *
1914 The Manager’s Dream (skuespil) *
1915 1925: The Story of a Fatal Peace*
1915 Bones, Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders’ Country (samlet udg.) *
1915 Kom igen Sanders
1915 Nurse and Martyr (film-manus) *
1915 Smithy and the Hun (noveller) *
1915 The Man Who Bought London*
1915 The Melody of Death*
1916 A Debt Discharged*
1916 Det snoede stearinlys
1916 The Tomb of Ts’in*
1917 Kate Plus Ten*
1917 The Just Men of Cordova*
1917 The Keepers of the King’s Peace (samlet udg.) *
1918 Down under Donovan*
1918 Lieutenant Bones*
1918 Tam o’ the Scouts (noveller) *
1918 The Man Who Knew*
1918 Those Folk of Bulboro*
1919 Det grønne pulver
1919 Small (noveller) *
1919 The Adventures of Heine*
1919 The Real Shell-Man (drama) *
1919 The Secret House*
1919 The Whirligig (skuespil) *
1920 Jack o’ Judgment*
1920 The Daffodil Mystery*
1921 Bones in London*
1921 M’lady (skuespil) *
1921 Sandi, the King-Maker*
1921 The Book of All Power*
1921 The Law of the Four Just Men*
1922 Bulford Mordet : Aut. Overs.
1922 Captains of Souls*
1922 Den blodrøde cirkel
1922 Det store løb
1922 Mr. Justice Maxell*
1922 The Valley of Ghosts*
1923 Bones of the River*
1923 Chick*
1923 De tre nøgler/Maytfield-Mysteriet
1923 Den forsvundne million
1923 Den grønne bueskytte
1923 The Books of Bart*
1924 Diana of Kara-Kara*
1924 Educated Evans*
1924 Londons onde øjne
1924 Manden fra Malta
1924 Manden fra Shanghai
1924 The Face in the Night*
1924 The Looking Glass (skuespil) *
1924 Værelse nr. 13
1925 Blue Hand*
1925 De tre retfærdige mænd
1925 Frøens broderskab
1925 Mr. Reeders kriminelle tankegang
1925 Nattens Konge
1925 The Daughters of the Night*
1925 The Gaunt Stranger*
1925 The Hairy Arm*
1925 The Strange Countess
1925 The Three Oaks Mystery*
1926 Barbara on Her Own*
1926 Den bevingede Slange
1926 Den firkantede Smaragd*
1926 Den sorte abbed
1926 Double Dan (skuespil) *
1926 Døren med de syv låse
1926 Falskmøntneren
1926 Huset ved Themsen
1926 Manden fra Marokko
1926 More Educated Evans*
1926 Penelope of the Polyantha*
1926 Prætoria-Smith
1926 Ragusabrødrene
1926 Sanders*
1926 Snigskytten
1926 The Day of Uniting*
1926 The Joker*
1926 The Million-Dollar Story*
1926 The Mystery of Room 45 (skuespil) *
1926 The Terrible People*
1926 Vagabonden
1926 We Shall See!/The Gaol Breaker*
1927 A Perfect Gentleman (skuespil) *
1927 Forræderens Port/Juvelbanden
1927 Good Evans!,*
1927 Lynet
1927 Number Six*
1927 Ringeren
1927 Stikkeren
1927 Terror Keep*
1927 The Brigand*
1927 The Yellow Mask (skuespil) *
1928 Again Sanders*
1928 Again the Three Just Men*
1928 Den tavse detektiv
1928 Det gyldne Mærke
1928 Dobbeltgængeren
1928 Elegant Edward*
1928 Snogen
1928 The Fighting Scouts (noveller) *
1928 The Flying Squad*
1928 The Forger (film-manus) *
1928 The Gunner*
1928 The Lad (skuespil) *
1928 The Man Who Changed His Name (skuespil) *
1928 The Ringer (film-manus) *
1928 The Squeaker (skuespil) *
1928 The Thief in the Night*
1928 Valley of the Ghosts (film-manus) *
1929 Again the Ringer*
1929 Bulford Mordet
1929 Circumstantial Evidence*
1929 Den sorte abbed
1929 Det grønne bånd
1929 Fighting Snub Reilly*
1929 For Information Received*
1929 Forty-eight Short Stories*
1929 Persons Unknown (skuespil) *
1929 Planetoid 127*
1929 Red Aces (film-manus) *
1929 Red Aces*
1929 The Big Four*
1929 The Calendar (skuespil) *
1929 The Cat Burglar*
1929 The Flying Squad (skuespil) *
1929 The Ghost of Down Hill*
1929 The Governor of Chi-Foo*
1929 The Iron Grip*
1929 The Lady of Little Hell*
1929 The Little Green Man*
1929 The Prison-Breakers*
1929 The Reporter*
1929 The Terror (skuespil) *
1930 Killer Kay*
1930 Mrs. William Jones and Bill*
1930 On the Spot (skuespil) *
1930 On the Spot*
1930 Sergeant Sir Peter*
1930 Should a Doctor Tell? (film-manus) *
1930 Smoky Cell (skuespil) *
1930 Sølvnøglen
1930 The Calendar*
1930 The Guv’nor, and Other Stories*
1930 The Lady Called Nita*
1930 The Lady of Ascot*
1930 The Mouthpiece (skuespil) *
1930 The Squeaker (film-manus) *
1930 The Stretelli Case, and Other Mystery Stories*
1930 White Face*
1931 Charles III (skuespil) *
1931 Djævlemanden*
1931 Manden fra Australien*
1931 The Case of the Frightened Lady (skuespil) *
1931 The Hound of the Baskervilles (film-manus) *
1931 The Old Man (skuespil) *
1931 The Old Man (film-manus) *
1931 Tigeren
1932 Da banderne kom til London
1932 Det indiske tørklæde
1932 The Green Pack (skuespil) *
1932 The Steward*
1933 King Kong (film-manus) *
1934 Nig-Nog*
1934 The Last Adventure*
1934 The Woman from the East, and Other Stories*
1962 The Undisclosed Closet*
1976 The Man Who Married His Cook and Other Stories*
1980 Unexpected Endings*
1981 Two Stories, and The Seventh Man*
1984 The Sooper and Others*
1986 The Dead Room: Strange and Startling Tales*
1986 The Road to London*
2006 Anthony Brownes King Kong*